About Zero 6

Welcome to Zero 6, we’re a Wellington based coffee company that started out in the charming Pauatahanui Village in 2019.  In 2023, the business ownership changed and the roastery was relocated to the beautiful rural / beach setting of Te Horo (still in Wellington, just north of Waikanae).

We're fuelled by a burning passion for ethical business practices, and a desire to create an extraordinary coffee experience for our clients and fellow coffee aficionados. When you choose Zero 6, you're not just savouring the rich flavours—we've got your back from bean to cup, ensuring that every sip comes with a sprinkle of goodness. 

Choosing Zero 6 means embracing a coffee experience that values ethics and quality at every stage. From recyclable packaging and organic farming to fair trade practices, we strive to make every cup of coffee a testament to our commitment to a better world. So, savor the rich flavors of Zero 6, knowing that each sip supports a sustainable and equitable coffee journey. 

Let's toast to embracing the day with a blend of excitement, a dash of ethics, and a whole lot of flavorful fun. Cheers to making every moment count, one sip at a time!

View from Roastery, overlooking Kapiti Island